A Childhood Hobby, Turned Into a Lifelong Passion
Our journey began with Brian’s childhood. He grew up displaying creativity in every medium he has access to. His earliest masterpieces often involved legos, sketchpads, or crafts. He only discovered balloon art in 2002, after his parents bought him a balloon kit for Christmas.
At 9 years old, Brian taught himself the basics of balloon twisting and was already looking for more of a challenge, so his parents bought him more advanced balloon kits. He got into the habit of previewing the final sculpture and skipping the directions, trying to figure it out on his own. Soon after this, he started making up his own designs.
In fifth grade, Brian volunteered his balloon skills at an elementary school fundraiser. Not long after, his parents started receiving phone calls, asking if Brian would consider volunteering at other local fundraisers as well. Fundraisers turned into private parties, which then turned into public festivals. Eventually, Brian would start entertaining at company picnics, wedding receptions, holiday events, and more. He recruited some friends and family to help keep up with demand and has been entertaining ever since.